Cole Saraf
Call to action topic
For type one diabetics, it is necessary to get the insulin needed to survive. Over the past few months it has been getting harder and harder for some diabetics to get the insulin they need. Different healthcare bills have removed insulin coverage from many insurance plans. Without insurance coverage insulin can be many hundreds of dollars for very small vials. Diabetics need multiple vials at once to have enough to last for extended periods of time. That can add up to thousands of dollars that many people simply can't pay.
This topic is incredibly necessary because without insulin, type one diabetics will die. That is not a dramatization or an exaggeration, that is a fact. Many people do not have the money it takes to pay for this insulin. In no way shape or form does it make sense that someone who has a condition that came through no fault of their own, can't have easy access to the medicine they NEED. Government regulation is necessary in so many cases but when it comes to this, it should not come in the way of proper access to needed medicine. Obviously insulin companies need to get payed for the goods they provide, but there has to be some happy medium. How can it be the land of opportunity if people do not have the opportunity to get their needed medicine.
The goal of this call to action is to try and help type one diabetics get the help they deserve. As was previously alluded to, it is necessary for diabetics to have insulin in order to survive. The fact that diabetics are being gouged and rejected of this medicine is downright inhumane. As a type one diabetic, it can be quite hard to access insulin, and it is time for that to change.
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